Welcome To My Blog About Puppies And Dogs

At my blog you will learn how to take care of a dog, feed it =, train it, socialize and walk with your dog. You will learn about different dog breeds too. In addition, there will be a special bonus of dog pictures.

Are Dogs Better Than Cats?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

When You Should Spay Or Neuter Your Dog

When your dog is around 3-6 months old you should start thinking on spaying you dog in that age range. If you dont want your dog to have puppies, consider getting it fixed at that age range. If you decide that you dont want your dog to have puppies but you dont want it to be fixed, then think again. If you fix your puppy at a later age, your dog could get cancer. If you never fix your dog, it could get a tumor or cancer around the ovaries and die at around the age of five years old. If you have a male dog, then it will be fine, its the females that have trouble.